1:1 Coaching
Hey there!! I’m Rachel
I’m a holistic health coach certified through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and an AIP certified gut health coach. Let me create a supportive space for you to heal, talk and make changes to your health in a safe and productive way.
You will have the option of selecting a three or six month program to begin your journey. This decision is usually mutual and based on discussions we will have in our consultation or first session. So, if you’re not sure what you need - it’s ok! This is only a guide.
3 Month Program
Dive into getting to know yourself better and begin to make mindful changes to your health and lifestyle in a gentle, kind and supportive way.
$1800 total
6 Month Program
In this program, we will aim to identify the root cause of the issue, make mindful changes to your health and lifestyle and then troubleshoot problem areas in a supportive, peaceful and loving way.
$3,600 total
Payment plans are available if needed.
How It Works
We’ll start with an intro call to get to know each other better. This call can last anywhere between 60 and 90 minutes.
We meet every other week via Zoom and in the off week, we check in on Voxer ( a messaging app) where you will be able to send voice notes and questions in real time.
I’ll send you my list of resources which include but is not limited to eCookbooks and guides, Meal Planning Templates, and educational tools to show you how to eat to support your gut.
Homework is a big part of our work together. I will give you homework at the end of our session together and in the off week, you can ask any questions about it, check in or simply share your progress with me.
Disordered Eating
This can include anything from binge eating to restricting, emotional eating and more, etc. I was a binge eater for the first 32 years of my life and having recovered, I now enjoy guiding clients away from diet culture, self hatred and/or harm and toward a sustainable and nourishing approach to healing.
If you’ve been running in circles following the diet advice of every coach, influencer and YouTuber you see and you still feel terrible about your body, are eating emotionally or out of anxiety and don’t know what else to do to start loving yourself more and start the healing process, you’ve come to the right place!
Autoimmune and/or Gut Health
If you’re tired of feeling burnt out from trying to “do it all” on your own, this is for you. Having an autoimmune disorder or gut health condition has often made me feel like I must be doing something wrong. Doctors have rarely taken me seriously and as a result I have had to navigate most of the day to day holistic and natural approaches to healing autoimmunity, for the most part, on my own.
If you can relate to feeling like you’ve tried every single thing in the book you can think of and still feel like you can’t sort out why you feel like hell all the time, you’ve come to the right place!
Autoimmune Health & Disordered Eating
For some folks disordered eating and autoimmune/gut health are two separate issues. That has never been the case for me. My gut health was very much tied to my binging for a long time and as a result of immense trauma I found myself also malnourishing my body by not consuming enough of the right kinds of foods.
If you’ve had disordered eating issues in the past and find yourself struggling to figure out “all the things” now that you also have an autoimmune condition, I can very much relate. I have found that for myself and for many of my clients these issues can overlap a lot.
When we work together, we’ll unwind the trauma that has kept you stuck and begin building new patterns and behaviors that can help sustain positive transformations over time.
I started my wellness journey at the age of 19. This was the same year I came out to my parents, but that’s a story for another time. As a result, I’ve picked up many tools and also have a couple certifications in addition to coaching. Here is a bit more info on some of the tools I’ve gathered and how I use them in my own practice and with clients.
I am a 200 hour certified yoga instructor and although I do not teach formally, I ingrate yogic thought, mindfulness, somatic work and much more into my practice.
I practice some form of pranayama or breath work daily. If I’m not able to get on my yoga mat that day, I’ll do a breathwork practice instead. Breathwork is a practice that is naturally built into the style of vinyasa and hatha yoga.
There are just as many ways to be mindful as there are to sit in meditation. When one way doesn’t work, I encourage exploration of another. Personally, I began my journey doing a lot of visualization meditations. And later on started doing various forms of sitting meditation.
One thing that has kept me coming back to yoga time and time again is that it can encourage a lot of natural somatic movement. Sometimes, I will simply get up and start shaking or dancing wildly and freely to try and get any stagnant energy out. Other times, I like to practice one of two forms of trance. The first is a trance journey the other is a form of trance writing without thinking. I practice these techniques to help me get out of my own head and instead to listen with my heart and my gut which I have found more often than not is much smarter and more enlightened than my brain.
I love using Astrology as well as Human Design (still a newb on this one) in my personal life and with clients. I find that learning these aspects of our lives can really open up and bring awareness to parts of ourselves we didn’t really know previously existed. It can also be a great tool for transformation. I studied astrology with a very gifted Astrologer friend many years ago and it is still one of my go-to methods today. So, don’t be surprised if I ask you what your sign is at some point or suggest you look at your birth chart. :D
I use a technique that I call Writing Through Trauma in my practice to help uncover subconscious parts of the self that may have contributed to a gut issue, autoimmune condition or disordered eating habit. When I’m not working as a coach an content creator, I write. I’m a poet and developed this way of working through difficult and traumatic issues during my time studying with New York School.