Hey there! I’m Rachel.

I’m a certified holistic health coach, a former television casting producer, a voracious reader, poet, writer, and recipe developer. Before I became a health coach, I struggled with overwhelming disordered eating habits and autoimmune issues I thought would never go away.

I’ve tried to will power my way through the latest detox, juice craze, or cleanse hoping it would be “the thing” that would help me heal. I’ve felt hopeless after countless doctors turned me away and prayed that being thin and counting calories would help me find inner peace with my body, my life as a whole and heal my autoimmune issues and disordered eating habits.

Today, I’m happy to report that I’m 100% cured from binging eating and continue supporting my autoimmune health mindfully.

Here’s how it all happened…

Body Image & disordered Eating

I was a binge eater growing up. And started this habit at a very young age to self soothing in the absence of love when my needs were not getting met. Today, I am happy to report that I’m 100% cured from binging eating and all disordered eating behavior.

In my mid twenties a friend convinced me to start juicing & detoxing. This lead to more disordered eating behaviors. I lost 20 lbs from juicing, gained it all back (plus extra), then went vegetarian/vegan without knowing these behaviors were partly what would cause my autoimmune disorder to develop.

I was vegetarian for 6 years and vegan for 1ish. I told myself I loved it but secretly missed meat. By the time I found a protocol to heal my autoimmune disorder, I was watching youtube videos like my life depended on it and tried following every detox hack, weight loss tips, and advice I could. Nothing worked.


I eventually gave my diet 180 degree overhaul by starting to Autoimmune Protocol which healed my inflammation. I also became a certified 200hr yoga teacher and holistic health coach and used the 17 years of knowledge from energy healing, reiki and studying meditation to rewire my brain, untangle deep familial trauma and heal my body, mind and spirit.

When pandemic hit in 2020, I was able to work from home for the first time ever and decided then and there to never step foot in an office again. I started living my lifelong dream to become a business owner and have never looked back.

Art, writing & storytelling

I worked in talent management during college and then non scripted and reality TV after graduation. I spent a total of 15 years working in film and television before transitioning to coaching and worked on shows such as The Real Housewives of Potomac where I discovered Candiace Dillard Bassett.

I’ve always identified as a writer and storyteller. Telling stories are what drive my life's purpose, whether it's a work of fiction, a blog post or an instagram post. For the past five years I've also studied with the New York School of poets and am in the process of working on my first novel.

Creating rituals around writing, poetry and art creation are some of the gentle ways I use art in my healing practice to explore the inner world of emotions and psyche that may be impacted by or impacting various aspects of health.

Meditation, Mindfulness & Energy Healing

In my early 20s I began studying meditation and mindfulness practices and over the course of next decade I receive certifications in Reiki, Integrative Energy Therapy (I.E.T) and a 200 hour yoga teacher training.

These are all elements I bring into my own personal healing practice and into my private 1:1 work with clients.