Chicken & Herbal Broth

I swear, this is probably the most delicious broth I have ever made. I like to make a broth every other week or so. The broth will usually last me for two weeks and I’ll use it to make soups, in my meals and just to sip on.

Welp, let me tell you, this is the most delicious sipping broth ever!


  • 1 large onion, halved

  • 1 shallot, halved

  • 2 large carrots, roughly diced

  • 1 parsnips, roughly chopped

  • 1 hunk of ginger, diced

  • 2 garlic cloves

  • any saved veggie scraps

  • 2 large pinches of dried calendula flowers with the bud

  • 2 large pinches of dried butterfly pea flowers

  • 5-6 pieces of kombu

  • 1 oz dried wakame

  • 1/2 bunch cilantro

  • 1/2 bunch parsley

  • 1 bunch dill

  • 2-3 chopped scallions

  • 1 bunch chives

  • chicken wings, carcass and offal (neck, guts, etc)

  • Water to cover the pot


  • Add all of your veggies and herbs to a large stock pot.

  • I like to buy a whole chicken and take it apart. Then, I’ll use the carcass and the wings and sometimes even the legs in my broth. What I’m left with is the wings, thighs and legs. These pieces give me about 7 to 8 meals. After taking it apart, add the carcass, wings and giblets into the pot.

  • Add water to cover everything fully. Then, bring the pot to a boil. Once it’s boiling, skim off any scum off the top. Bring it down to a simmer and let it cook over low heat for 5-6 hours.

  • Once it is done, your home will smell utterly delicious. Let it cool, then poor into jars and enjoy!


Salmon Ukha (Ukrainian Fisherman’s Soup)


Black Sesame Muffins