Chocolate Banana Galettes

There are so many ways to enjoy meals together with people, even when you don't have the same diet or are able to consume the same foods. Remember, that sharing a meal is not only about the food but about community and joy.

Before you get upset about the frustration you have over your differring dietary needs, ask yourself this. Are you there just for the food? Or are you there for the laughs, the joy, the fun, to see your friends, to play? And if that's the case what's the point of feeling bummed out.

When I go out to eat, I try to choose places I know will accomodate me and I try to not think about the fact that I'm eating differently than others. I keep repeating my own inner truth which is that these foods make my body feel really good.

Aim to bring joy into your life regardless of how other people react. Let them see your joy and revel in how well you're taking care of your health.



  • 150g banana

  • 2 tbsp coconut oil

  • 6 tbsp arrowroot flour

  • 2/3 cup cassava flour


  • 1 -2 bars chocolate
    1 banana, divided into halves

Carob chocolate bar: (for those allergic to or intolerant of chocolate)

  • 1/2 cup palm oil, melted

  • 1/2 cup carob flour


If using a carob chocolate bar, make your chocolate first and freeze it overnight. You can make this in advance and keep it in the freezer until you are ready to use your chocolate.

Measure your a half cup of palm oil and melt it in your microwave or on the stove. Then, place it in a small dish and add the carob to it. Stir to combine until smooth and lump free. Pour this mixture onto a chocolate mold. I use something like this.

Carefully transfer this to your freezer.

Start by mashing the banana in a bowl. You may also use a food processor instead. Add in the coconut oil and blend again until smooth.

Stir in arrowroot and cassava flours and form this into a dough with your hands. If using a food processor, the dough will form naturally.

Cover the dough with a kitchen towel and leave it in the fridge for 10-15 minutes to allow it it firm up.

Take out your dough and sandwhich it between two pieces of parchment paper (or wax paper). This makes the dough easier to work with and prevents it from sticking.

Roll your dough into a large, thick log. Then cut it in half with a butter knife. Then, in half again. Now, you should have 4 balls of dough.

Place each ball between two pieces of your parchment and roll it out into as even a circle as you can get it. If it’s not as even, or in a strange shape, that’s fine.

Break your bar of chocolate into pieces and place each piece in an even layer onto the center of your dough. You can do the same thing if you’re using carob chocolate but make sure to keep it in the freezer until you are doing this as it may melt. Top it with slices of banana.

Then, fold the sides in to create a round or circular shape. Crack an egg and whisk to combine it. Brush this egg wash over your galette. This step is optional, but encouraged if you consume eggs.

Bake at 375 for 30 minutes. Or until the dough is soft and crispy. Store in the fridge for up to 5 days.


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