Coconut Rose Petal Bars

Rose season is short lived, but it's oh so energizing and I look forward to it every year. You may not think of roses as a plant that contains much energy but it does. The energy it gives is one of the heart. It gives the receiver of its energy the clarity to speak with a full, softened heart that is able to protect itself in times of need. In my opinion, this is the best gift you can give to yourself. Teaching oneself how to take care while being soft (rose petals) and also have the awareness of a strong mind and spirit that keeps negativity and harm away (the thorns).

Pairing rose with pitaya really enhances that delicate rose sweetness as the sweetness of the pitaya plant meshes with the rose.


Tigernut flour: Tigernuts are not actually nuts at all but small tuberous vegetables that are grown similarly to potatoes. They have a sweet, nutty taste and have a number of nutrient dense health benefits. Most importantly, they are 100% anti-inflammatory. I would best describe the tigernut as a fantastic replacement for almond flour. Whereas almond flour can be a source of inflammation for many folks, tigernuts have no known inflammatory markers making them a safe and delicious flour to consume

Coconut: Coconut flour comes from the flesh of the coconut. It is then dried and powdered. One of my favorite things about coconut flour is that it can be eaten raw! If you don’t like the taste of coconut flour or milk, I assure you it is just because your taste buds have not gotten used to it yet.

Eggs & Gelatin: If you are allergic to eggs, you may use gelatin as a substitute instead. Gelatin is the safest alternative for folks with allergies and gut health issues. I recommend using bovine gelatin to replace your egg. See notes below for how to make it.

Pitaya: Pitaya is an east asian fruit that is very sweet and bright pink. This is what gives these bars a touch of extra sweetness, flavor and most of all color.



  • Soak the dates in cold water for five minutes, removing any pits if necessary. If you are using packaged deglet noor dates, pitting them won’t be necessary. Soaking first helps to soften the fibers and allow for better blending later.

  • In a food processor, blend the pre soak dates with the tigernut flour, coconut flour and coconut flakes by lightly pulsing all of the ingredients until they begin to fall apart and mix into each other. At this point, your base won’t look like it’s a dough. This is fine. Remove it from the food processor when it is sticky enough to press together and roll into balls in the palm of your hands.

  • Press your mixture into a loaf tin of your choice. Freeze for 15 minutes.

  • Meanwhile, combine the coconut butter, coconut oil, lemon juice, pitaya powder and gelatin in a bowl and stir until well combined. Make sure to add the gelatin in last and stir immediately. Once 15 minutes has lapsed- or however long it takes for your base to harden - remove the base from the freezer and pour your rose mixture over it.

  • Set this in your freezer for 2-3 hours until it is fully hardened.

  • Once the bars are solid, remove them from the freezer and cut into equal sized pieces. These will hold in the refrigerator for up to five days.


Mulberry Fig Galette


Rainier Cherry Banana Bread