Grain Free & Paleo Empanadas

Making grain and dairy free empanadas at home is much simpler than you may think.

In the following blog post, I will take you through each step do the process in making this simple and delicious meal

In addition to being grain free, these are also sugar free, free of the top eight most common allergens and are compliant with phase one of the autoimmmune protocol.

(This recipe makes 2 servings)


  • 1 1/4 cups cassava flour + 1/4 cup reserved for dusting, rolling and kneading

  • Warm water in a small dish

  • Pinch of salt

  • 1 cloves garlic, minced

  • 1/2 onion, finely diced

  • 1 carrot, minced

  • 1/2 lb ground beef

  • 2 tbsp black olives, chopped

  • Salt, to taste

  • Avocado oil for cooking


  • Begin by making your filling. Chop your garlic, onions and carrots.

  • The, oil a skillet with avocado oil and add in the garlic. Cool for 30 seconds until it’s aromatic. Then, add in the onions and cook them until they begin to sweat. Once they do, add in the diced carrots.

  • Cook this for five minutes or so. Then, add in the ground beef. I like to crumble it in my fingers as I’m putting it in the pan. This helps to break the pieces up more evenly.

  • The beef mixture until it’s fully cooked and no longer pink. Season with salt to taste. Then set aside to let cool while you prepare the dough.

  • Add the cassava flour to a large mixing bowl. Slowly begin to pour in the warm water, and use your hands to begin forming a dough.

  • Continue adding more warm water as needed until you have a good piece of dough, adding more flour as needed.

  • You’ll know if you need more flour if your dough becomes too wet. If you’re Joe becomes too dry, simply dab your fingers in a little bit of the water and need it out. The moisture from your fingers should be enough to slowly soften it.

  • When your dough is kneaded to your liking, roll it out with a pin.

  • Then, cut it into four equal shapes. I use a scale for this to ensure the pieces are fairly even.

  • Then place each piece onto parchment paper roll into a circular shape use your rolling pin to gently flatten it.

  • Because this is a soft dough, we want to be careful and simply start again if we make a rip or tear that’s too big.

  • When your circle is large enough, add some filling to the center of it and use your parchment paper to help you fold the dough onto itself.

  • Fold it together gently in your hands and use the tines of a form to make a seal.

  • Bring about 1/2 to 1 cup of avocado oil to heat in a large pot. Once the pot is hot enough, dip your empanada into the hot oil with a slotted spoon.

  • Cook for about 3 or so minutes until it crisps up on one side. The. Flip with your spoon and repeat on the other side.


Grain Free Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Pancakes


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