Ready to heal your disordered eating habits and gut health for good?!

Let me show you how to ditch the diet culture keeping you stuck and create holistic habits that last!

Recharge your energy, clear up the heartburn, indigestion and negative self talk and actually heal your relationship with food for good!

I know you’re ready to take back control of your health & dive deeply into the areas that are causing you pain and overwhelm but you’re stuck in the same vicious cycle…. 

Start a detox, new diet or cleanse, feel excited that you’re about to begin healing, feel hopeless because you haven’t seen any progress, go back to your old way of eating, wake up feeling inflamed, bloated and tired, restrict again, then repeat  🔁😭

You know there has to be a better solution to managing your gut health and healing your relationship to food but….

  • You’re feeling so itchy, bloated, depressed, and confused about how to eat a nutrient dense diet that will support your autoimmune health long term. There’s just too much conflicting information about health and nutrition out there

  • You’re watching endless youtube videos, going on cleanses and detoxes is how you were taught to heal and since it worked in the past, you keep riding that rickety bicycle even though you’ve clearly outgrown it.

  • You wake up tired, you go to bed tired, and your head is full of brain fog because you’re so overwhelmed about figuring out a healthier, more sustainable game plan that you end up sneaking into your pantry late at night when no one is watching just because that little snack feels like such an emotional relief 

  • You feel discouraged because nothing has seemed to work and you JUST want to go out to brunch with your girlfriend or partner without bursting into tears because you can’t eat anything and everyone else is having a ball

I know how you feel because I’ve been there.

  • I used to think I was doing something wrong b/c you I hadn’t found a solution yet.

  • I would wake up every day wondering how I was going to muster up more willpower and discipline.

  • I used to stroll the isles the bookstore or library hoping the next detox, protocol or cleanse would magically fall into my lap - you know the one that’s going to change it all 

  • I spend hours googling and end up more confused than when I started. Then, I get sad and inevitably binge.

  • I’d find myself crying in the car after doctor’s appointments, not understanding why or how these issues keep coming up over and over.

If none of this helped, what will?

Reducing inflammation, eating a nutrient dense diet, and doing the inner work to heal your relationship with food

Imagine what it would feel like to see positive changes to your autoimmune or gut health while losing weight and healing your relationship with food:

What if you could end the cycle of binging/restricting/detoxing/youtubing/etc because you had a simple and clear framework for healing.

What if you could wake up excited to start your day knowing you’re eating delicious meals that digest well in your body and reduce your overall inflammation

What would it feel like to have more freedom around your food choices, enjoy dinner with friends and even have dessert without feeling like you need to control or restrict yourself

That is exactly what you get when we work together!

You’ll learn how to consume a nutrient dense diet that will balance your blood sugar and reduce inflammation while creating new gentle lifestyle habits that will help manage your energy (if you have an autoimmune condition) so you can spend the day feeling your best without binging or giving up your favorite experiences, activities, foods or people!

The advantage of working with a coach 1:1 is that each step of the process is personalized and catered specifically to you and your needs which means that you’ll have a simple, customized framework created just for you, so you can move through your days feeling centered, energized and in control! 

How Does 1:1 Coaching Work?

I guide you through every step of my unique Mindful Healing Curriculum which covers:

  • Foundations of Practical Healing: Learn how to create nutritionally supportive meals that will keep you full, help balance your blood sugar, lose weight and reduce cravings

  • Gut Health & Autoimmunity: Learn about leaky gut, your microbiome, what to eat and what to avoid to reduce inflammation

  • Binge Eating: Learn to do the inner work necessary to stop using food to control the things that are no longer working in your life.  

  • Healing Trauma:  Release any trauma that may have contributed to your disordered eating habits or autoimmune disease. This may include but is not limited to somatic movement, meditation techniques and exercises, breath work and pranayama, gentle yoga and strengthening the mind-body connection

  • Writing Through Trauma™️: My signature framework for uncovering deep wounds and healing painful experience by using poetry and prose to write into and through the areas of life that feel stuck, stagnant or hurt. This is a powerful tool for creatives and artists of all types. Turn off your critical, judgmental left brain and learn to write in a trance-like state that will help you find ease & clarity

  • Foundations of Energetic Healing: Mindfulness, breathwork & meditation techniques to help you incorporate sustainable sources of peace, manage your parasympathetic nervous system & change how your brain works so you can set better boundaries around home life, manage energy levels & reduce stress

You’ll Learn To:

  • Learn how to make delicious meals without spending hours in the kitchen each day

  • Focus on consuming a nutrient dense, anti-inflammatory diet that will help you restore your gut health

  • Set mindful, intentional & REALISTIC goals

  • Get more done by introducing gentle living skills

  • Learn how to invite stillness into your everyday life with meditation & mindfulness practices

  • Accept the things that you can't control with mindfulness techniques

  • Release what's no longer serving you with a variety of spiritual techniques and tools

  • Manage your energy & menstrual cycles mindfully 

  • Work through trauma that may have contributed to your autoimmune disease, disordered eating habit or gut health issue


  • FIRST SESSION: is a 90 minutes foundational session. Each additional session is 60 minutes.

  • COACHING: Bi-weekly 1:1 sessions via Zoom.

  • ACCOUNTABILITY: Unlimited weekly check-ins via Voxer (a free voice & text messaging app) between calls.

  • RESOURCES: Access to my library or resources and tools including meal planning templates, food mood trackers, and more.

  • HOMEWORK: Personalized homework assignments and action steps designed around your unique lifestyle, favorite foods, time constraints and goals,

  • MEAL PLAN: Simple meal planning framework and resources so you can whip up mindful and time efficient meals without spending 10 hours in the kitchen.

  • GROCERY GUIDE: What to buy to reduce inflammation that will take the overwhelm out of shopping.

  • FOOD JOURNALS & TRACKERS: Customizable symptom tracking sheets and food journals to keep you accountable and on track.

Sounds great!

So what are my options?

Choose Your Story:

3 Month Program:


This container gives you the best of both worlds. We’ll spend half of our time together working on the Foundations of Practical Healing and the other half of the time working on the Foundations Energetic Healing.

How sessions work:

  • 1 month of personalized support catered to your specific needs

  • 4 60 minute calls.

  • Access to Voxer in between calls (M-F 10 am EST - 6pm EST). Voxer is a FREE voice & text messaging app where we can talk and text in real time during business hours.

  • The focus of this container is learn how to consume a nutrient dense diet that will balance your blood sugar and reduce inflammation. I will show you what you can do to change your diet and how to transition into a lifestyle that will support your autoimmune health and disordered eating long term. Think: meal prepping, grocery shopping, balancing blood sugar, getting more exercise and movement in, etc

  • This container focuses on nurturing a gentle lifestyle, uprooting old habits and limiting beliefs by doing the inner work, building up your self care toolkit with new habits that will help keep your energy stable through out the day. Think: energy healing, meditation techniques, chakra balancing, self care ideas, etc.

6 Month Program:

$3,600 total

During this 3-month coaching program you’ll receive personalized guidance and accountability in multiple areas of your health to help you reduce inflammation and build long lasting habits to replace the ones created by trauma, and disordered eating.

How Sessions Work:

  • We’ll start with a 90 minute introductory call to get to know each other better & identify areas of focus

  • 2 60 minute calls per month

  • Access to me in Voxer during our off sessions, M-F 10am EST - 6pm EST. Voxer is a voice and text messaging app where you can send notes to each other in real time.

  • Access to my library of free resources and tools including meal planning templates, food mood trackers, and more..

  • In these sessions we’ll worth through my mindful healing forumula which includes practical action steps as well as energetic tools to support your daily needs

12 Month Program:

$7,200 total

In this 6-month coaching program you will receive personalized guidance in many aspects of your health, designed to transform your entire mind, body and spirit so you can ditch the endless protocols & google searches and manage your autoimmune disease and while healing your relationship with food for good.

How Sessions Work:

  • We’ll start with a 90 minute introductory call to get to know each other better & identify areas of focus

  • 2 60 minute calls per month

  • Access to me in Voxer during our off sessions, M-F 10am EST - 6pm EST. Voxer is a voice and text messaging app where you can send notes to each other in real time.

  • Access to my library of free resources and tools including meal planning templates, food mood trackers, and more..

  • In these sessions we’ll worth through my mindful healing forumula which includes practical action steps as well as energetic tools to support your daily needs

Not Ready for 1:1 yet?

Here are a few other ways we can work together


Shop my collection of seasonal and allergen friendly e-cookbooks and & guides.


Spend all day with me in a voice messaging app. Voxer is a free walkie talkie app that allows us to communicate back and forth with voice and text messaging.


I will be launching a course on managing autoimmune health & disordered eating habits mindfully this fall. Join the waitlist to be the first to know when it drops!

Not sure which option is right for you?

Send me a DM on Instagram and we’ll chat about your goals and decide on a course of action together OR fill out the questionnaire below and I’ll reach out to schedule a FREE 15 minute consultation.