Flourless Carob Cupcakes

Although, I do consume chocolate chips and bars when I bake, if I’m making a chocolate dessert, 95% of the time, I’m using carob in the bake itself rather than cocao. Being on the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP), I learned that my body is averse to chocolate, although I can tolerate some which is why I still consume chocolate chips and bars. So, I started using carob in my baked goods instead.

Unlike cocao, carob is naturally sweet whereas cocao has a bitter taste that requires the use of sugar when baking. When I use carob, however, the natural sweetness of the plant releases the need for anything else.

If you have gut health issues, allergies or an autoimmune condition, you might also be intolerant or allergic to cocao, like I am. Chocolate allergies are quite common. This may be due to the fact that cocao has a similar protein structure to gluten, a compound found in wheat, rye, barley and other grains. The theory goes that because chocolate is similar in structure to gluten, the body may mistake it for it as well.

Knowing what I do about gut health and leaky gut, this feels fairly accurate to me. So, if you can’t tolerate chocolate, try making the carob bar for this recipe as a replacement.

Unlike chocolate carob is anti-inflammatory. It’s also rich in antioxidants, is high in Vitamin C and has more Calcium than cows milk.

Since this is a flour free recipe, there are no substitutions for this one. The only powder we use is carob, making this a very delicate, yet delicious bake.

Looking for more carob recipes:

Double Chocolate Chip Cupcakes

Rhubarb Brownies with Rose Salt

Carob Sweet Potato Frosted Muffins

Flourless Carob Cupcakes:


(Makes 4 large cupcakes or 8 medium/small)

  • 2 eggs

  • 120g or 1 banana

  • 150g or 1 avocado

  • 1/3 cup full fat coconut milk

  • 1 cup carob powder

  • 1 tsp baking soda

  • 1 bar of chocolate or make your own carob chocolate

Carob Chocolate Bar:


  • 3/4 cup carob powder

  • 3/4 cup full fat coconut milk

  • Sesame seeds (optional)

  • Crushed butterfly pea flowers (optional)


Carob Chocolate Bar:

  • If you’re making the carob chocolate bar, you’ll want to prepare it at least a day in advance.

  • Measure out equal amounts of palm shortening and carob.

  • Melt the palm shortening on the stove or in your microwave. Then, add it to a small dish and combine with a fork or whisk until completely smooth and no lumps remain.

  • Transfer to silicone chocolate molds and place in the freezer overnight.


  • Crack two eggs into a bowl and beat to combine well.

  • Mash a banana in another bowl. Then, mash the avocado in the same way. Combine the eggs, banana and avocado together in a larger bowl and beat together with a handheld beater for 2-3 minutes until everything is well combined and starting to get fluffy.

  • Next, add in the full fat coconut milk and continue beating until silky and smooth. Add in the carob powder, baking soda and beat again until smooth.

  • Next, remove your carob bar or chocolate chips. If using carob bar, roughly dice the pieces into chunks. Then, add it to your mix.

  • Transfer to muffin tins of your choosing at bake for 30 minutes at 350F. Remove when a toothpick comes out fairly clean.


  • Add the carob powder to a small dish and slowly stir in the coconut milk until a thick spreadable frosting begins to form. Make any adjustments to quantities here that you feel are necessary.

  • Once the cupcakes are completely cooled spread or pipe the frosting onto them. You can use a piping bag for this is a simple ziplock bag.

*Store in the fridge for up to five days.

** Note: if you’re not accustomed to eating sugar free, I recommend adding 1/4-1/3 cup coconut sugar to this recipe.


Grain Free Chocolate Chip Pancakes


Cranberry Pecan Breakfast Cake