Grain Free Winter Shrimp Rolls

To make these shrimp rolls, I used tapioca sheets. Typically, rice paper sheets are used here.

However, I limit my consumption of rice due to gut health, autoimmune issues and allergies and substituting them with these tapioca sheets which are grain free and made from the starch of the cassava plant.

Making these takes just a few minutes, especially if you use pre-cooked shrimp

Ingredients Needed:

Tapioca Sheets: I buy these on Amazon, linked here. Tapioca comes from the root of the cassava plant. And these sheets are usually round or square shaped and can replace rice paper sheets in many recipes

Coconut Aminos: I usually use coconut aminos as a replacement for soy sauce in all of my recipes. It’s naturally sweeter than soy sauce which is more salty. I like using coconut aminos better, however, as the flavor of the sweetness combined with the saltiness adds a bit more umami

Ginger Powder: Fresh or powdered ginger work here but I used powdered this time

Fish Sauce: I use Red Boat fish sauce which is available on Amazon as well.

Sesame Oil: Sesame oil adds a lot of flavor to this recipe. If you cannot tolerate it, you can substitute avocado oil instead

(makes 1 serving)


Mung Bean Sprout Salad:

  • 2 scallion, finely diced

  • 1 package mung bean sprouts

  • 2 cloves garlic, minced

  • 1-2 tsp fish sauce, I use red boat

  • 1 tsp toasted sesame oil

  • 2 tbsp sesame seeds

Shrimp Rolls:

  • 1/2 lb shrimp

  • 1 tbsp coconut aminos

  • 3 tapioca sheets

  • 1/4 tsp ginger powder

  • 1/2 tbsp coconut aminos

  • 1/4 tsp fish sauce, I like red boat

  • 1 tsp sesame oil (sub avocado oil)

  • Coconut or avocado oil for cooking

  • Coconut aminos for serving.


Mung Bean Salad:

  • Prepare your mung bean salad first. Wash the mung beans and pull apart any discolored pieces.

  • Then, add the washed sprouts to medium sized pan. Add about a half to a cup of water to the pan and steam the sprouts until they become translucent.

  • Transfer to a large bowl. Season the sprouts with chopped scallions, sesame oil, garlic, sesame seeds and fish sauce. Set aside.

Shrimp Rolls:

  • If your shrimp is raw, steam it in some water until it’s fully cooked through. If your shrimp is cooked, skip this step.

  • Finely dice your cooked shrimp into tiny pieces. Essentially you want to mince it.

  • Add the minced shrimp into a bowl with all of the other ingredients and mix well to combine.

  • Run a sheet of tapioca paper under warm water for 15-20 seconds. It will begin to soften.

  • As it softens, begin layering the shrimp and mung beans. You want about two parts or so of shrimp mixture and about one part or so of the mung bean mixture.

  • Place the mixture toward the bottom middle of the circular sheet. Fold the bottom in first and tuck it under, then fold in the right side in and then the left. And roll the rest of the sheet up

  • You should be left with a longish cylindrical shape. Repeat with remaining sheets and filling.

  • You will have extra mung salad left over to use through out the week. 🙂

  • Once this is finished, oil a skillet. Once it’s hot, place a roll on it and cook each roll for a few minutes per side.

  • Remove and serve immediately. Dip into more coconut aminos while you eat.


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