Tigernut Stuffed “Nut Butter” Domes

This is truly one of my favorite recipes of all time. As much as I love to consume nuts and seeds, I had to give them up for a couple of years due to poor autoimmune health, allergies and gut health issues. I found my body simply couldn’t tolerate them for a while. Over time, I was able to consume them again but in much greater moderation than I had before.

When I have nuts and seeds now, they’re never the focal point of my meal but simply a small add on - a tablespoon or two at most. I’ve learned that I am simply not able to eat more than that. In the past, I’d have so much more than this daily and would then feel awful hours later, not understanding why.

Well, I know now that nuts as whole are meant to be consumed in moderate amounts. Up to an ounce or so per day which is a couple of tablespoons.

However, I used to eat much more than this - from ice cream bars made entirely of cashew butter to muffins made solely out of almond butter and eggs - and frankly, that is a heck of a lot of nut butter to consume in one sitting. It’s no wonder my gut was having a hard time.

This dessert is super low in sugar, paleo, autoimmune friendly, AIP, free of the top eight most allergens and purely delicious! I hope you love it and I hope you enjoy it


  • 1 large bar of dark chocolate or carob chocolate

  • 1-2 tbsp honey or date syrup

  • 2 tbsp coconut oil

  • 1/2 cup tigernut flour

  • 1/2 cup water to thin

    Carob Chocolate:
    1/2 cup carob powder
    1/2 cup palm shortening


  • Melt the dark chocolate in a microwave or on the stove in a small sauce pan or double broiler.

  • Take it off the heat as soon as it’s fully melted. Then, pour into silicon molds. Place in the freezer for 10 minutes.

  • While the base is freezing, combine the tigernut flour, coconut oil and water in a bowl and stir together. You may add in more water as needed until you reach your desired consistency.

  • Remove the molds from the freezer and spoon your mixture into the partially frozen molds. Then, top with the remaining melted dark chocolate.

  • Place back in the freezer for a few hours or overnight. When you return you will have a delicious, earthy and nutty treat!

  • These are best stored in the freezer and removed 20-30 minutes before consumption to thaw.

  • Substitution Note: If using carob chocolate you’ll need to prepare it the night before you make this recipe, freeze it over night and then melt it again. Simply melt the palm shortening and then combine it in a small dish along with the palm shortening and stiry together well. Pour into two chocolate molds. Then, freeze over night for at least 12 hours until completely solid.


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