Sesame Burger Buns

Who doesn’t love a good burger? Certainly not me! I love burger but having allergies and gut health issues - being grain free, paleo and dairy free has made it harder to find a suitable substitute.

Until now. These are grain free, dairy free and allergen friendly. They freeze well and will last in the fridge for up to a week.

These can be used to hold a meat patty as well as any other type of sandwhich you desire. This week, I used these buns to make a chicken salad sandwich with some leftover chicken broth meat.


  • 4 eggs

  • 1/2 cup apple sauce

  • 190g cassava flour

  • 70g tapioca starch (sub arrowroot starch)

  • 2 tsp baking powder (I use Otto’s)

  • Pinch of salt

  • 1/4 - 1/2 cup warm water

  • 1 egg (for egg wash)

  • 2-3 tbsp black or white seeds (for topping)


  • Beat the eggs in a food processor until well combined.

  • Add in the cassava, tapioca flours, salt and baking powder and mix again. Do not use baking soda here as it will leave a bitter taste in your bake.

  • As you blend everything together slowly pour in the warm water until a ball of dough begins to form.

  • Remove the dough from the food processor and into a bowl or a smooth surface and begin to knead it out

  • I like to keep a small bowl of warm water nearby in case my dough becomes too try. Alternately, if your dough is too wet, you may add a bit more cassava flour.

  • Roll your dough into a long log-like shape and divide it into four equal pieces. I like to use a scale for this.

  • Then roll each piece into a ball-like shape and flatten slightly

  • Best one egg in a small dish and use a brush to brush the egg wash onto the top of each bun.

  • Then, sprinkle the sesame seeds on top.

  • Bake in a preheated oven for 25-30 minutes at 350F.

  • Wait for the buns to cool before slicing into them.


Paleo & Grain Free Cassava Biscuits


Dairy & Grain Free Nachos